I'm enjoying my new blog but I can't say the same when it comes to sending information to the blog. If I include a photo the server doesn't like it and so my writings sit in the outbox refusing to move. There are still items from yesterday that haven't gone and today is almost over. I'm told photos enhance a blog but what to do? I'm in rural Canada which is a little bit like Siberia and so the internet services are not the same as in the towns.
I got so frazzled trying to send emails containing photos that I finally gave up and decided to do my daily birthdays on Facebook, followed by Messenger news, then the BBC news. Today I got even more distracted and I thought of looking at the news from the USA. It was all about Judge Kavanaugh so I gave up - American broadcasting voices always seem so strident to me and they exhaust me.
I did the wrong thing, I wandered into other areas on YouTube. I felt I needed a laugh and there was a programme of a show done by Lily Savage. I'd never heard of him although he's very famous as a cross-dresser in the UK. I laughed until tears rolled down my face. He says he's from Liverpool but then he talks about Leeds and other places in Yorkshire. He's definitely from up there somewhere and, with his rapid fire speech, I had a heck of a job following everything he said. He's very raunchy but nobody takes any offence as he's so funny. Where he got his long lady-like legs from I have no idea, but I'm sure lots of women are green with envy. Later I found snippets from his quiz show called Blankety Blank. It was non stop laughter and even the guests and competitors were constantly laughing. It's sad that these sort of shows aren't produced any more; now we have to watch so-called expert chefs pulling people to bits about their cooking. I've got one sister who makes notes of recipes but I've yet to see her use any of them.
I did get some other work done. I have finally managed to dry the hall carpet by using a heater but there's still a fusty smell hanging around. I had lunch with the folks and shared my holiday news with Jenny - the men are never so interested. I wonder what I can do this evening? I can't watch any more Lily Savage as I'm laughed out for the day. Yesterday I watched a beautiful British programme about the mother of Shakespeare; it was fascinating.
When I was in Heathrow airport, on my way back here, I wandered into a bookshop. I saw a book written by Alan Bennett. I really do enjoy his plays but this is a diary for a few of his recent years. I'm finding it a struggle. He's got a strange way of writing sentences that I find a bit off-putting. He skips days (maybe because nothing interesting happened) and when he does write, he often has just a couple of lines for the day. It's a bit too bitty for my liking but I have to read it and it's over 500 words. I think I'll have to find Lily Savage every so often.