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Hi, I am Peter Heyes, and this online diary is about my travels that have taken me from Europe, to North America, Africa, and now Asia. If you want, you can sign up for email updates on the right. The latest posts are on the home page. I hope you enjoy reading them.

Monday, 17 September 2018

A mushroom treat

No snow or rain today, but it's forecast for tomorrow.  I gave Stefan a hand at the other house and did some cleaning out in the fridge.  It's amazing how stuff accumulates, when one is into saving leftovers.  After lunch I went into the garden and managed to dig up all the onions.  The ground is so wet I am worried that they'd start to rot if left in the ground.  I brought them inside and now they are languishing on a table in the basement, drying out as they are covered with mud.  I dug up some carrots and then attempted to get some parsnips.  I don't know why but they always grow as if they are trying to reach the centre of the earth.  With the soaking wet soil and the fact that their roots were so long, I had to work the fork all around the plant before attempting to pull it out of the ground - some of them are longer than the tines of the fork.  Washing them was an ordeal as I did it outside in the freezing cold water.  I threw the greens to the sheep but they didn't seem to interested in them.

I cooked the mushroom in oil and butter, with a touch of nutmeg - I learnt that from the two fat ladies who had a lovely cookery programme on British television.  So now I have to get them past Jenny who can't stand nutmeg. 

Holly the horse lady came today so that means poor old Sheba has to be tied up as she gets so excited and runs around and around the horses while she's working with them.  I get a bit fed up with her because she complains about Sheba yet the dog was here long before her horses came. 

We always have to have buckets of water in the basement, to water the plants during the winter.  That's because we have our own well and the water contains soda, which kills the plants.  Carrying 5 gallon pails full of water down into the basement was a chore and I got wet with the water slopping around.

I was supposed to phone Gwen in Regina at 7pm but Yi Yi came for a visit and we nattered away until almost 8pm.  Then Gwen phoned to remind me.  It was a good thing as I think Yi Yi would have stayed longer.  I haven't seen her for a while and so I had to catch up with all her news.  She doesn't have an easy life.  She's still married to Sunil but he lives on his own in another house.  She's taking care of her mother who is over 90 and needs a lot of help.