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Hi, I am Peter Heyes, and this online diary is about my travels that have taken me from Europe, to North America, Africa, and now Asia. If you want, you can sign up for email updates on the right. The latest posts are on the home page. I hope you enjoy reading them.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

My first farm walk this year.

Well, so much for a good night's sleep.  It was even worse this morning as I woke up at 3.15.  I messed around trying to nod off but it didn't work so I got up, made myself a cup of tea, read the BBC news and decided to use the phone.  

When I got back here I opened all my mail and checked my VISA statements that come via the mail.  For some strange reason two companies in England were taking £15 a month out of my bank account.  I had no clue who they were and it had been going on since last September.  I went to their websites and typed in my email address, which they said was unknown.  We are seven hours behind England so it was good I was awake early as I could phone.  It was a bit of a palaver because they the automated voice asked for my membership number, which I didn't have.  Then they asked for my postal code so I gave them my Canadian one.  No, they didn't want that one so I held on for an operator.  It turned out that, while I was in England, I'd purchased tickets on Trainline and, at that time they'd said I could sign up for special offers.  Always wanting to save a penny or two, I did.  What I didn't notice was that the offer was for only one month and then I'd be charged.  Not only once but twice because I'd signed up with a different company when I purchased another train ticket.  Dear Naomi, somewhere in England, cleared things up for me and explained why I was a member.  It turned out that both companies are under the same umbrella so she has now cancelled my membership, which was very kind of her.  I didn't bother asking if I could have my money back.  

When I was in Cambodia, my sister Maureen wrote to say she was having problems with Amazon because they were deducting money for something called 'Prime'.  I thought I'd check my Amazon account and the same was happening to me.  I got that one cancelled too.  These online companies are so sneaky and I believe they make things complicated and obscure to catch people, especially the old who don't read between the lines.  I'm now going to phone VISA to get my statements on line so I don't get a shock six months down the line.  

People keep telling me I should spend my money and I do try but I always end up in a muck up mess.  I've now got three phone chargers when I only ordered one.  The company in the USA offered it so I filled in the form.  They wrote and said I hadn't completed the form and the offer would soon be over - I filled in the form.  The next day I got the same message so I once again filled in the form.  A few days later I received an email saying, "Your order is being processed."  Then another, "Your order is being processed."  Then another.  VISA wouldn't help.  The company said it was too late as the order was on its way from Hong Kong.  Then I ordered an adjustable typing table that would allow me to stretch my legs and stand up to type.  It's high quality but I need a high quality brain to set it up.  I don't think I'll be using it.  I also think I'm going to leave my money in the bank and let other, brighter people use it.

The days are definitely longer here but, at the moment it's pitch black outside and I've no idea what's happening outside with the weather.  

The highlight of the day was to be able to go for a walk.  I'd heard the temperature was around 14C so I wrapped up with a sweater and two jackets and set off through the farm.  The path was a bit muddy which meant walking on the grassy verge as I didn't want a build-up of sticky mud on my shoes.  There were hundreds of ducks in the ponds that have formed on the land but they took off as soon as they saw me.  I used to feel guilty disturbing them but now I've decided if they want to be skittish it is entirely up to them.  I also saw a few geese but they just ignored me and wandered off a bit.  Everything is so brown, with not a sign of green.  I did see some bright pink though - I'd heard that the oil companies are taking an interest in one of the wells on the farm and so it looks like they are going to do some pipeline work.  The pink ribbons go through the bush so I hope they aren't going to make a mess of things.

I had a debate with myself about bedtime - should I or shouldn't I take a pill to help me sleep.  I really do get a bit fed up waking up at 3am.  I decided to take one so let's see what happens.