I was enjoying my time at the school and had worked hard to get my home clean and comfortable so it was distressing to hear that I might be transferred. I whispered the rumour in the principal’s ear and I was pleasantly surprised with his reaction; he immediately wanted to go to Kano to protest to the minister. I had to quieten him down by suggesting that we didn’t want the Minister to know that we. Had been told of the rumour.
I had a good conversation with the principal regarding the setting up of a school garden and farm and he even offered me a partnership in his own personal farm that he wants to start next to his house. Looking back it’s interesting how all of these offers disappeared and faded into the woodwork, never to be mentioned again.
I’m going to have to keep my eye on the time. Today I forgot to go to a class and only gave the students half my time. The heat must be getting to me. The air is so still with no wind blowing. Today was a big day. I decided to break with Western teaching tradition and I went to school the African way, without my socks.